Supply Nation
Leading the way in diversity, Supply Nation has developed procurement
policies that assist us to connect with suppliers through providing a
gateway to procurement teams to many of Australia’s largest
organisations. As a Supply Nation certified Indigenous business, this
lets us provide services to these government agencies and large
corporate companies.
NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce
The NSWICC is the peak body for Indigenous businesses in NSW and
Representative State Member of the First Australians Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (FACCI). As a member of the NSWICC we are advised on
Government’s Indigenous procurement and participation policies. The
NSWICC provides us with regular updates on partnering opportunities with
Government contracts to maximise our Supply Chain Opportunities.
ISO Certifications
- ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System enables us to meet our health and safety requirements at work.
- ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management System. As part of our commitment to the environment we implement and maintain an Environmental Management System to comply with the NSW Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2015 and other regulatory requirements.
- ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System helps us to ensure transparent processes and structures throughout the organisation to help us supply a service that meets our customer’s needs.

National Heavy Vehicle Law endorses certain requirements and obligations
under its National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme to ensure
compliance and safety for all parties involved in the supply chain. Our
HVNL Management Plan provides the framework for Kaygus Logistics
heavy vehicle compliance and safety management system. It outlines how
we meet our obligations under, and ensure compliance with, the Heavy
Vehicle National Law.
The ALC Master Code Auditing Scheme is different to an accreditation
scheme, it is a service that audits against the Master Code to allow
improvements necessary to ensure compliance and enhance safety. Kaygus
Logistics has been assessed and certified as meeting The Master Code of
Practice, a registered industry code of practice under section 706 of
the Heavy Vehicle National Law.